Best of Opposite
4 GC points
Judge: Mr. Phillip K Freilich
Golden Gate Kennel Club
Daly City
Sat Jan 24, 2015

Select Bitch
2 GC points
Judge: Mr. Dana P. Cline
Golden Gate Kennel Club
Daly City
Sun Jan 25, 2015
International Champion

June 14 & 15, 2014
Show 4, Best of Breed
International All Breed Canine Association
Antioch |
New Grand

Best of Opposite
3 GCh point Major
Judge: Mr. Whitney J. Coombs
Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club
San Jose
Mon 2/17/2014 |

Best of Opposite, 5 GCh point major
Judge: Dr Alvin W Krause
Golden Gate Kennel Club
Daly City
Sun 1/27/2013 |

Select Bitch, 4 GCh point major
Judge: Mr Albert P Holabach
Golden Gate Kennel Club
Daly City
Sat 1/26/2013 |
Select Bitch, 4 GCh point Major
Award of Merit
Judge: Ms Sylvia Hammarstrom
Mensona Kennel Club
Santa Rosa, CA
Sun 8/26/2012

Best of Opposite
GCh points
Judge: Mrs Phyllis M. Wolfish
Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers
Sat 10/27/2012 |
New Champion

Winner's Bitch, Best of Opposite
2 points
Judge: Ms. Frandel Brown
Richmond Dog Fanciers, Inc
Dixon, CA
Sat 8/4/2012

Winners Bitch
1 point
Judge: Ms. Theresa L. Hundt
Del Monte Kennel Club
Carmel, CA
Sat 7/ 14/2012

Winners Bitch
2 points
Warren D. Hudson Chief Solano Kennel Club San Jose, CA Saturday 2/21/2012

Winners Bitch
2 points
Darryl Vice Chief Solano Kennel Club Vallejo, CA Sunday 2/22/2012

Winners Bitch Second Major, 4 points
Judge: Mr. Carl Gene Liepmann Santa Clara
Valley Kennel Club San Jose, CA Sunday 2/19/2012

Winners Bitch First Major, 3 points
Judge: Mr. John C.
Ramirez Golden Gate Kennel Club Daly City, CA Sunday

Best Puppy in Breed
Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings
Reno Kennel Club
Reno, NV
Saturday 08/20/11
Winners Bitch Best of Opposite
1 point
Judge: Ms. Lew
Olson Shasta Kennel Club Gridley, CA
Saturday June 04, 2011